It is hard for most people to even think about drinking the mandatory 8 to 10 glasses of water per day let alone actually do it. This seems like such a challenge for most people and is actually jotted down as a goal for many clients to drink more water each day. The fact of the matter though is that the body needs these 8 to10 glasses every day to reach proper hydration levels and to function properly. The benefits of staying properly hydrated are too many to count but a few that you will definitely notice and feel are better joint motion (more lubrication), less muscle tightness, higher energy levels, smoother looking skin, and better urinary tract function. The list goes on and on but the benefits I have just named are usually the most commonly strived for. Many everyday ills can be lessened or even cured by increasing water consumption but the hard part is choking down the proper amounts each day. Those who engage in intense cardio and strength training regimens will need more than the 8 to 10 glasses deemed mandatory due to their bodies need stay even more energized and for proper motor and muscle function. So enough with all the facts lets go over 3 simple ways to make drinking the proper amount of water each day more enjoyable.
Tip 1: Sugar free drink mixes
Feel free to add a sugar free drink mix to your water in order to add some flavor. It is better to use half of a packet in order to only lightly flavor the water and not over do it. This strategy actually makes the water taste better and will not cause you to get sick of the over bearing taste of the mix. Green tea mixes are always great for a little extra fat burning effect.
Tip 2: Add some fruit juice
Feel free to add just a hint of your favorite fruit juice to a glass of water in order to flavor it. Obviously this can be easily overdone so please only add a quick splash. The healthier the fruit juice the better of course, and remember to add the splash once the glass of water is already poured. By adding the splash of juice last you will immediately taste it upon your first sip and will be pleasantly surprised.
Tip 3: Squeeze a lemon or lime
A great method is to add a few squeezes of a lemon, a lime, or both to your glass of water in order to give it that extra kick. This is a great strategy when consuming tap water to hide that chlorine taste. The greatest benefits of this method however are the detoxifying benefits of the lemon juice which can aid in liver detoxification (removal of toxins and waste products) and enhance the digestive process.
-Justin Medeiros, NASM-CPT
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